I just want to thank you for continuing to support our ministry with your prayers, encouragement, and donations. Just know that whatever fruit I gather goes into your account as well.

We are playing in halls and auditoriums now—at least fifty percent of the time. We found out that many people would rather go to a neutral place than at a church, so we decided to go to them instead. We keep hearing the same stories. They come up to me after the concert and say, “You sang and spoke on exactly what my life needed today.”
In March, we did a concert at a Clubhouse in a gated community in Tucson. Thanks to Penny Price who coordinated everything. She’s been a great supporter of our ministry.

They announced that the lead vocalist from Santana was going to be there to attract more people and we did! People kept pouring in, so much so that we had to add more chairs. I did my Santana hits up front, then shared my conversion story then did my Christian Hits. I always give a call at the end, and many made a confession of faith right there in the Club House. Some of the members say they still feel God’s presence hovering over the room.
We were also invited to sing at Calvary Christian Fellowship that weekend and we hit it off with the pastors right away and they have invited me to come back for Easter! Thank you, Pastor Scott and Pam!

So now, I’m preparing for an Easter Celebration with them where we’ll have a Sunrise Service at 6:30 then 8:00 and 9:30 regular services. If you know anyone in the area, please send them our way.
The Lord will impart their lives in a way that they will never forget. Go to our website www.leonpatillo.org for the specific address and details.
I thank God for His touch on so many hearts and I thought it might give you a lift today, to know how your prayers and support are impacting lives around the country.
Thanks again for being my faithful friend and may you have a fabulous, fabulous, Easter Weekend!
Love you much!